153: Beating Impostor Syndrome and Cultivating A Positive Mindset With Dave Moss

You might be wondering why are we talking about impostor syndrome and mindset in a marketing podcast, and well the reason why is because if we don’t feel secure in who we are as artist/business owners we can’t have a thriving business.

Let me introduce you to Dave Moss, a wedding photographer turned business and life coach for adventurous humans who want to improve both their lives and their businesses, and in today’s episode we are chatting about how to beat impostor syndrome and cultivate a positive mindset so you can experience more joy in your life, and obviously, have fun in your business.

But WTH is Imposter Syndrome, and why do creatives really suffer from it?

According to the dictionary….

im·pos·tor syn·drome


noun: imposter syndrome

  1. the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills.

Since art is subjective, there are always people that will find our work beautiful, while others will think it’s pure trash, and obviously, this can make us feel self-conscious and unsure about our abilities. But as you all know I love some actionable steps and in today’s episode, Dave shares with all of us some tools and tips we can apply right now, to beat imposter syndrome and cultivate a positive mindset.

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