81: Five Design Flaws in Your Website That Are Turning Visitors Away

Friend, in my private Facebook Group (are you in? If not what are you waiting for, JOIN NOW) I do monthly website reviews, is one of my favorite things to do as I can help fellow photographers improve their site and make better first impressions.

81:  Five Design Flaws in Your Website That Are Turning Visitors Away

But after reviewing over 50 websites, I noticed a lot of people were making the same design mistakes! These are so simple to fix and believe me, they will improve your website significantly!

81:  Five Design Flaws in Your Website That Are Turning Visitors Away

In today’s episode, I cover 5 design flaws in your website that are turning visitors away! Four of them you can fix right away, so go ahead and listen to this episode now! 




Carolina Guzik is a Miami Wedding Photographer and the founder and host of The Tog Republic Podcast. You can find more information about her wedding & family photography on her site just visit www.carolinaguzik.com