93: Four Marketing Lessons I Learned After Buying A Natural Deodorant

Friend, you might be thinking WTH does a natural deodorant have to do with your photography business, and the answer is nothing! (unless, you stink and you need a good deodorant right now).

Four Marketing Lessons I Learned After Buying A Natural Deodorant

And this is one of the things I LOVE about marketing! You can learn marketing strategies from ANY business, and apply them to your own.

So in this episode I share with you four marketing strategies a deodorant company used to get my money and have me raving about their brand. After all this is also the goal we have for our own business, right?

Four Marketing Lessons I Learned After Buying A Natural Deodorant




Carolina Guzik is a Miami Wedding Photographer and the founder and host of The Tog Republic Podcast. You can find more information about her wedding & family photography on her site just visit www.carolinaguzik.com