07: Four Items that Your Newsletter Must Have On it

Today let's chat about newsletters and why I love them!

Episode 7: Four Items that Your Newsletter Must Have On it

My newsletter is one of my favorite marketing strategist, It allows me to connect with prospects and grow my brand recognition. In this episode we're going to chat about some items that your newsletter MUST have to be successful :) 

Grab some tea, coffee (or your drink of choice) and enjoy this episode. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends. 

Episode 7: Four Items that Your Newsletter Must Have On it




06: A Chat With Nadia Meli About Instagram

Today let's chat with the talented Nadia Meli about Instagram and how to curate content that is remarkable. 

If you don't know who Nadia Meli is, let me introduce you to a photographer that brings a lot of soul to her work; she is also an educator and a hugger! 

Casual Chat With Nadia Meli About Instagram

As photographers we rely on social media to share our images and connect with future clients, so listen to today's chat to get a new perspective, and some useful tips to create content that viewers can't get enough of. 

Feel free to share your thoughts on the comments below :) 

Grab some tea, coffee (or your drink of choice) and enjoy this episode. Also, don't forget to share this with your friends. 

Casual Chat With Nadia Meli About Instagram

Listen to the podcast

You can find Nadia all over the internet! Here are some links to help you with your search:

Nadia's Instagram Account

Nadia's Website

Nadia's Youtube Channel



05: Product Presentation

Today let's chat about product presentation and how to make your orders look like beautiful gifts!

Product Presentation: Deliver your orders like beautiful gifts

Feel free to share your thoughts on the comments below :) 

Grab some tea, coffee (or your drink of choice) and enjoy this episode. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends. 

Product Presentation: Deliver your orders like beautiful gifts

Listen to the podcast



04: Using Slideshows to Market Your Business

Today let's chat about slideshows and why I love them so much! 

This podcast is all about slideshows and how to use them as a marketing material. www.TheTogRepublic.com

Currently I'm obsessed with SmartSlides a company that allows photographers to create beautiful slideshows to showcase their images, get viewers excited about the work their seeing, and grow your brand recognition. 

Listen to this podcast to get some ideas for your own business, and don't forget to share your thoughts with us on the comments below!

This podcast is all about slideshows and how to use them as a marketing material. www.TheTogRepublic.com

Listen to the podcast



03: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

Today I'm excited to chat with all of you about optimizing your social media profiles to give your photography business maximum exposure, and why not, attract more clients! 

This podcast is all about optimizing your social media profiles. www.TheTogRepublic.com

Feel free to share your thoughts on the comments below :) 

Grab some tea, coffee (or your drink of choice) and enjoy this episode. Also, don't forget to share it with your friends. 

This podcast is all about optimizing your social media profiles. www.TheTogRepublic.com

Listen to the podcast 

Watch this episode



01: Welcome To The Tog Republic

Welcome! I'm so excited you are here today. It has been an honored to help photographers with their marketing needs and to make things even easier for you, today we are launching our podcast!

Episode 1 :: Welcome to The Tog Republic. Listen to this chat on iTunes. Look for The Tog Republic

My goal is to share weekly with you some tips and marketing strategies that you can implement on your business. I will be also inviting industry leaders to share their knowledge and experiences with all of us.

I'm super excited about the road ahead, and I'm looking forward to see you in our private group where the marketing conversation continues. 

Episode 1 :: Welcome to The Tog Republic. Listen to this chat on itunes. Look for The Tog Republic

Listen To The Podcast